PTCL from 1st May 2011 has increased the line rent of the landline numbers from Rs.174 to Rs.199 and is
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Pay Your PTCL Bills at Ufone Outlets and Franchises
Ufone and PTCL are now coming together to create an ease in the customer service by letting PTCL customers to
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PTCL revised the Pakistan Plus package few weeks back and introduced 100 free kehdo SMS with this package. Although there
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PTCL Pakistan Plus Package TV Commercial
PTCL Introduced the Pakistan Plus package which helps the customers to make long distance NWD Calls. In just Rs.219 the
Continue readingDiscounted Call Rates to India, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka from PTCL
PTCL just loved the way Mobilink did in their recent new package of 50% discounted call rates to India, Bangladesh
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PTCL on 8th Feb. 2011, started a new campaign where all existing PTCL users and new customers can win 5
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PTCL in Dec-Jan 2010-11 introduced a New Year special package called PTCL Bonanza. All calls from PTCL and Vfone to PTCL,Vfone
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PTCL has finally decided to bring back the 2Mbps connection of DSL Internet. Currently PTCL was offering 1Mbps, 4Mbps, 6Mbps,
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PTCL Vfone is Pakistan’s first wireless loop line (WLL) telephone service which is covering the major areas of Pakistan and
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PTCL today launched a new offer during the basant season in the country to Cheer up the people of the
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