Easy Paisa Contest on Facebook Page

easy paisaTelenor Pakistan’s product easy paisa is one of the greatest mobile phone services ever introduced by anyone in the world. With the support of Tameer Bank, Telenor was able to start this service and is expanding day by day. Easy Paisa today started a one day contest on telenor easy paisa  facebook page.

The contest’s name is ‘what am i?’ and the people have to guess what product or service the status message is referring to. The question is:

“I offer, Real time payments report, larger foot print, reliable and convenient service, Real time fund transfer. What service am I?”

easy paisa facebook contest what am i

Everyone is trying to guess it and be the one out of four winners. There will be four winners announced by Easy Paisa via lucky draw. I am not sure what the prize is but as per traditions Telenor has never let down the people. I am hoping that people do use Telenor Easy Paisa because it’s not only easy, its also convenient to transfer money to local cities of Pakistan as well as Internationally.

Visit Telenor Easy Paisa Facebook Page

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