Mobilink Introduced Twitter SMS Notifications

mobilink twitterMobilink is the first Pakistani cellular company to get listed in the the twitter profile settings for SMS notifications. Now you can get your timeline notifications and send tweets from your Mobilink number through SMS.

So finally Pakistan is on the official twitter device network list with Mobilink becoming the first cellular operator. Before that many people were using Mobi2weet but it closed down few months back, and I heard that Mobilink purchased that service and closed it down. Most probably this is the reason Mobilink did it that they were going officially on twitter.

twitter mobilink

How to turn on notifications on Mobilink from Twitter?

Goto the Settings -> Mobile -> Select Country as Pakistan -> Choose Carrier as Mobilink and set your number.

Twitter commands
Send SMS on 40404 with following commands:

  • FOLLOW username > Start following a user
  • UNFOLLOW username > Stop following a user
  • ON/OFF > Turn all Tweet notifications on or off
  • ON/OFF username > Set Tweet notifications for a user on or off (you’ll still be following them even if you set it to off)
  • GET username > Shows you the latest tweet from any user
  • RT username > Retweet a user’s latest tweet
  • FAV username > Favorite a user’s latest tweet
  • D username your-message > Send a direct message to a user

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