Now Update Your Twitter Status with Zong

zong logoZong became the second company after Mobilink to partner up with Twitter so that the users can use twitter and tweet right from their mobile phones with SMS. So now Twitter users who own a Zong connection can tweet, receive updates, send direct messages and retweet. SMS ‘Start’ from your Zong to 40404 to activate the service.

zong twitter

Officially twitter SMS service for Zong customers has started in Pakistan now. As per the blogs and propakistani, it is stated that the normal SMS rates apply while using twitter sms based services and if you have activated any SMS bundle/bulk package then SMS is free. I have not tested it myself on Zong connection, so unable to give you surity about this. But what I believe is that SMS send to special short codes are not included in the free bulk sms packages. All the SMS to short codes by all cellular companies in Pakistan are charged at Rs.1+tax per sms at least (which obviously vary depending on service being utilized, but at least the charges are Rs.1+tax.)

@mudassarijaz on twitter just confirmed me that he has the SMS bundle/bulk package of Zong, and tweeting with SMS on Zong is totally free for him.

How to activate Twitter SMS on Zong?

  • Simply SMS ‘start‘ to 40404.
  • The replied back SMS will guide you if you are an existing twitter user or you want to signup with a new account on twitter.

How to use Twitter from SMS commands?

  • FOLLOW username: Start following a user
  • UNFOLLOW username: Stop following a user
  • ON/OFF: Turn all Tweet notifications on or off
  • ON/OFF username: Set Tweet notifications for a user on or off (you’ll still be following them even if you set it to off)
  • GET username: Shows you the latest tweet from any user
  • RT username: Retweet a user’s latest tweet
  • FAV username: Favorite a user’s latest tweet
  • D username your-message: Send a direct message to a user



  1. Hey Taalz,

    Thanks, yes It was free whole activation part and than 3 tweets I send cost me nothing means my standard SMS package was in action.

    Only thing I didn’t liked was Zong asked me my twitter account password to verify and connect to my twitter account, I suppose there can be better was to attach to Twitter using its API, may be?


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